Franklin, the Anglo-American Ethnostead

In 1616 Jamestown became the first capital of an American colony and over the next 400 years until the current year of 2016 its Anglo-American posterity forged the world’s preeminent super power. The first 350 years’ immigration policy was almost exclusively limited to whites, until 1965 and over the next 50 years in America whites slowly moved to a minority of births. This is a textbook case of a failure in sequential reasoning, a failure in their ability to work by backward induction from a future state of their disposition as a minority in their homeland to a decision made in 1965 to let in a non-white immigrants.

The game of nations, founders versus immigrants

Groups that found nations can choose either to allow the out-group to acquire citizenship (edge A on the diagrams) or not. The out-group can either choose to cooperate (edge C) and join the founding group, as the other white Europeans did and with the original Anglo-Americans and form a new white majority. Or they can dispossess the founding group (edge D) as the Hispanic, Africans and Asians have chosen to do. The optimal strategy for the incumbent group, the mover on the first node, is to block first (edge B) for groups that cannot be trusted to credibly reciprocate. “Block First” is the optimal strategy and the motto of Franklin.


Based on voting patterns we can tell which groups are better classified as “allies” and which are “invaders” based on their proclivity for dispossessing founding groups. Most European ethnic groups did not work against the founding population – there are minor exceptions such the Nordic proclivity for redistribution that Vox Day discusses – and are classified as allies, while nonwhite groups are classified as invaders (Vox Day and John Red Eagle 2015.)


The 1965 Hart-(((Celler))) Immigration Act let in the invaders and they have chosen to dispossess. White births became a minority around 2010 and as of now whites are projected to be a minority by 2050. The second black pill on these statistics is that these are based on the census definition which records Jews, Arabs and some substantially mixed whites as white. Assuming the demographic Trojan horse is too far along to stop, the whitelash Trump rode to the White House is only a “pause” on the road to dispossession.

The solution, Ethnosteading on the high seas

There have been many proposed solutions to dispossession. Some use electoral means such as white only immigration policies, allowing California to exit the union, ending birthright citizenship, and deporting illegal aliens. There have been American ethnostates proposed, such as by Pioneer Little Europe and Lawrence Murray’s Amerikaner Free State. These are less likely to work because they require the US to secede territory to the ethnostates, which is unlikely to happen even if whites are the majority. Another solution is to use seasteading to set up an ethnostate on the high seas, for a general explanation of seasteading as it applies to white ethnostates see my article on Ethnosteading.

The founding father who most exemplified this critical understanding of Demographics was Benjamin Franklin as he wrote in Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc.

 That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Compexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

Franklin understood, even with his acknowledgment of prejudice, that demographics are destiny. This white American ethnostate will be called Franklin in his honor. Today we know longer need to depend on prejudice, we know that diversity and democracy are incompatible, as evidence by the dysfunction of western nations subjected to mass immigration. To preserve Franklin, future generations will need to learn the mistakes we made in America circa 1965 and the only strategy that can protect it; the flag of Franklin, the Stars and Edges, represents the “game” played by the founding group – like in the above diagrams. (Flag shown is the original concept.)


Each generation can either move right to preserve Franklin or move left and let it die. To make sure only groups that can credibly reciprocate can enter, Franklin will need to establish a blood and creed immigration policy.

Immigration: By blood or ballot

The weighted blood rule or “WBR” will establish what constitutes an Elysian. It consists of assigning a certain level of Elysian genes that are required for entry, and then it assigns weights to each of the ethnic groups that compose a person. We will have the minimum heritage cut offs assigned based on Minimum Viable Population or “MVP” thresholds, these indicate the number of people required to prevent a certain type of inbreeding. For example, the initial heritage cutoff could be 60% initially. The population needs 150 people to prevent incest – the cause of the most extreme type of inbreeding.  A second threshold of 70% the absolute minimum for some forms of life a population of 1000 is enough to prevent loss of heterozygosity (Strickberger 1995.) The blood rule works for each sex independently so once the male population reaches 75 the cutoff for men will rise to 70% and so to with females.  In humans 10,000 is the absolute minimum needed to prevent inbreeding do to the “Founder Effect” – e.g. the type of inbreeding that tends to occur in pure dog breeds where they are stricken with debilitating hereditary diseases (Smith 2014.)  So the blood rule for each gender will be raised to 90% after they surpass 7000. The final MVP of 40,000 is enough to prevent the founding effect even in the case a catastrophe on the level of the Black Death in Europe. We then raise the cutoff to 90% after that gender reaches 20,000.

The WBR works by assigning a different level of Elysian heritage to the different ethnicities and those who meet the blood rule with be let in. As an example, we could assign percentages to each ethnic group based loosely on their voting patterns. First, the British, central European and Nordic nations could be assigned 100% Elysian heritage. The southern and far eastern Europeans could be assigned 95% Elysian heritage because of their Middle Eastern and Asian admixture. Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews could be assigned a 1% Elysian heritage because of there promotion of immigration. East Asians could be assigned 25%. Southern Asians and pacific islanders will be made on a case basis, but none would exceed the East Asian weight.  Middle easterners and american Indians will be difficult to classify as some still have much Indo-European heritage. Sub-Saharan Africans and Aboriginals could be assigned 2%. The WBR will work by taking a weighted average of the Elysian heritage vector and the immigrant’s heritage vector, if it exceeds the current year’s heritage they will be let in. For example someone who was 99% British and 1% aboriginal arrived they would be given citizenship because .99*1.00+.01*.0=.99 and .99 > .75. Now suppose you have two similar cases someone who is .80 Nordic and .20 African and someone who is .80 Southern European and .20 African. The first person would get in because .8*1+.2*0=.8 and .8>.75. However, the second person would not get in because .8*.9+.2*0=.72 and .72 < .75.

The creed rule will establish which religions are banned from immigrating. Religious Jews and Muslims are the first exceptions and others will be added. Christians will be permitted as long as they meet the weighted blood rule.

These rules being established does not exclude immigrants from the Abendmeer (German for Western Sea, a combination of the German word for Western Civilization – “Abendlandes” – and the German word for sea – “meer”) which will function as a homesea for all Europeans. Other Europeans will need to form their own nations. I envision a nation for Nords – Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland – a nation for the central Germans – Germany, Austria and Switzerland – a nation for the British, and a nation for the Dutch and their diaspora, primarily the Afrikaans. Smaller nations would need to meet their MVP’s.

Instead of having the elites determining the immigration policy, and take the risk of them electing a new people. There should be a direct democratic mechanism, an immigration law that reduces the restrictions or allows individual in must be passed with at least 2/3 of men and 2/3 of women while one that reduces the restrictions for non-NWE needs at least 1/2 of either men or women.

Ultimately, Franklin is about voting with our feet against diversity and anti-whiteness. It is about exit. Exit is the primary mechanism of seasteading, and of course libertarians are the most disposed to this because it causes tax and regulatory competition between governments. The first seasteads will be libertarian. Initially, we can join the libertarians on their seasteads, their libertarian philosophy will require them to let us in, while we prepare to make our own ethnostead. They plan to have a seastead just off the coast of a host nation by 2020 and I know because I’m working with them that they plan to have an open ocean seastead by 2027. We need to be be ready for an ethnostate by 2028.


Vox Day and John Red Eagle (2015 December).  Cuckservative: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America

Murray, Lawerence (2016 November 11th). Amerikaner Free State Atlantic Centurion.

W. Strickberger (1985.) Genetics, Prentice Hall, New York.

Smith, Cameron M. (2014.) Estimation of a genetically viable population for multigenerational interstellar voyaging: Review and data for project Hyperion, Acta Astronautica

Williams, Theodore C. (1910) Vergil. Aeneid. trans. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Co.

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