Ethnosteading, Ethnostates on the High Sea

Many people on the Alt Right are feeling blackpilled about the long run prospects of Europeans in the West. Reactionaries explore ways of fixing western countries internally through democracy, revolution or secession. Each of these are unlikely  to secure an ethnostate. Another proposed solution is to have an Eastern European country declare itself an ethnostate or set land aside for a reservation. I think this external solution is more likely than the internal solution, but more importantly it puts people in the right mind set. We need an exodus, a country and a better narrative. We need to vote with out feet against degeneracy in our homelands. The problem is that all the land on the earth is claimed by sovereign nations, so if we can’t diplomatically get a state to assist us then we will never peacefully attain a homeland.

We are only a few technological breakthroughs away from achieving a homesea. Seasteading, homesteading on the high seas, is an emerging method of creating autonomous floating institutions on the ocean. For a taste of what a seastead might look like, here is the winner of last years architectural design contest at the seasteading institute:

Detractors of ethnosteading might argue that it will be to difficult for ethnonationalists to achieve the complex engineering and find a host country to help us prepare to launch our first steads. It would be extremely difficult for the Alt Right to do this on its own, but seasteading is currently be promoted by libertarians, specifically Donald Trump supporting billionaire Peter Theil. Our plan should be to work with the libertarians initally and then break away and form our own ethnostates.

The european ethnostates must be decenteralized and numerous to ensure that at least one succeeds. These cooperating nations will have a variety of governing institutions and different definitions of the people that qualify as potential citizens of their nation. Together, the ethnostates will form the Abendmeer. A name derived from the the German word for western civilation and the homeland of the white race, the Abendlandes, and the german word for german word for sea, meer. The Abendmeer will be a homesea for the people of europe during the 3rd millenia as we are dispossessed from our ancestral homelands in europe, America and the rest of our former colonial lands across the world.

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  1. Pingback: Watership Down, the Anglo-American Ethnostead | Rise of the Abendmeer

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